Hypsibius exemplaris strain Z151 (Apr 2017) genome assembly
The files listed below are formatted for visualization in the Integrated Genome Browser, available from BioViz.org.
The gene model annotation file H_exemplaris_Z151_Apr_2017.bed.gz was downloaded from the NCBI Web site as GCA_002082055.1_nHd_3.1_genomic.gff.gz and converted to BED-detail (bed14) format April 3, 2024.
The file named H_exemplaris_Z151_Apr_2017.2bit contains sequence data. It was made from fasta file also downloaded from NCBI. To convert it back to fasta, use twoBitToFa.
The file genome.txt lists sequences and their sizes and was made from the 2bit sequence file using twoBitInfo.
You can get twoBitInfo, twoBitToFa, faToTwoBit, and related programs from http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/.
Name | Last modified | Size | Description | |
Parent Directory | - | |||
H_exemplaris_Z151_Apr_2017.2bit | 2024-04-03 15:38 | 29M | Sequence data in blat 2bit format | |
![]() | H_exemplaris_Z151_Apr_2017.bed.gz | 2024-04-03 15:38 | 1.0M | Annotation or junction file |
H_exemplaris_Z151_Apr_2017.bed.gz.tbi | 2024-04-03 15:38 | 32K | Tabix index file | |
H_exemplaris_Z151_Apr_2017.fa | 2024-04-11 17:26 | 101M | Hypsibius exemplaris strain Z151 (Apr 2017) water bear (nHd_3.1 assembly) | |
H_exemplaris_Z151_Apr_2017.gtf | 2024-04-11 00:57 | 16M | Hypsibius exemplaris strain Z151 (Apr 2017) water bear (nHd_3.1 assembly) | |
annots.xml | 2024-05-22 08:19 | 488 | Annotation and data file list | |
genome.txt | 2024-04-03 15:38 | 29K | Chromosome lengths and assembly information |